Photos & Descriptions

BERACAMY attempts to be as accurate as possible. We have put a lot of efforts into making all product information as accurate as possible. Nevertheless, some inaccuracies, typographical errors or misinterpretations may occur. We reserved the rights to correct such inaccuracies or typographical errors whenever they are identified. We make no representations and warranties about the suitability of this information, including but not limited to:

Product photos are taken under studio lighting with colour calibration. All depictions displayed on are only for illustration purposes only. Because of differences in picture inks, computer monitors, tablet computer monitors, smart phone monitors, mobile phone monitors or cell phone monitors and printer inks, colours of the actual product may vary from those you observed or viewed.

Lining & Hardware
Due to different batch of stock, together with product design refinements, lining and metal hardware of the actual product may vary from product photos.

Product measurement are done by hands. Together with the hand-finished craftsmanship, there may be a 1-3cm / 1" in measurements. For handles and shoulder straps drop lengths, they are measured at the maximum length when they are adjustable.

Leather Surface
BERACAMY products are constructed using only the best materials including finely crafted with painstaking attention to detail and design and hand-finished to ensure the premium quality guaranteed by the BERACAMY trademark, and also the sheer layers of leather dye and protective coat applied onto the surface to allow the leather to maintain its natural finish. The presence of minor flaws, discreet shade differences and natural marking in the leather heighten the quality and uniqueness of the materials and should not be treated as defects. Random, small scratches and colour differences are only some of the identifying characteristics of genuine leather and should not be treated as defects.